If you have been following the Pokemon company, you must have played many amazing Pokemon games from them. Their recent release, Pokemon UNITE, didn’t disappoint as it met the expectations of critics and gamers. This amazing free-to-play game surprised the gaming world with its highly interactive gameplay. Pokemon UNITE is a multiplayer online battle arena video game developed by TiMi Studio Group and published by The Pokémon Company. The game has been available on Android and iOS since September 22nd, 2021. The Nintendo Switch version was published by Nintendo in July 2021 and is available in over 70 countries.

Pokemon UNITE Brings a New Perspective to MOBA Games

I recently started getting bored with multiplayer online battle arena games due to their one-sided and predictable gameplay. This initially gave me second thoughts about playing Pokemon UNITE. A five-minute trial, however, changed my mind as I immediately fell in love with the game. Also, it is an FTA MOBA game! Who wouldn’t want to try that, right? Pokemon UNITE somehow combined the amazing worlds of Pokemon and Dota 2 to produce an unforgettable gaming experience. Rather than abiding by the unspoken rules of MOBA games, Pokemon UNITE tended to push the boundaries by adding more excitement and ambiguous scenes.

Terrific Gameplay that Encourages Strategy and Cooperation 

Pokemon Unite starts like any other MOBA game, with players divided into teams and several defence strategies. Pokemon Unite features two teams of five players, with auto-defending towers scattered equally among lanes. The game design also features a jungle where you can find neutral enemies scattered all over.

As you begin the game, you can select and control one of the 21 Pokemons on the roster. My favourite picks are always Greninja and Garchomp. As you progress, the team gets stronger and more interesting. Pokemon Unite has you fighting opponents along the lanes and coming up with different strategies to help your team win the battles. You aim to push towards the enemy tower as you kill and destroy enemies in your wake. In typical MOBA games, the team that succeeds in pushing the opposing team to their base and bringing down their tower wins the battle.

It’s Not Just About Destroying Enemy Bases

In Pokemon Unite, However, you can’t win by driving your enemies back to their base. Rather, you must keep playing till the 10-minute timer is off. Your team must strive to score the highest point. The game can, however, end before the 10-minute timer ends if one of the teams surrenders. In such a case, the opposing team wins the match. You should, however, note that a team can only surrender if the game has run up to five minutes. The team members must also vote before they can surrender. If most team members support the motion, they can successfully surrender. If the majority are against the motion, the game must go on. Sometimes, there could be a tie between the two teams. If this occurs, you can decide on the sinner by identifying which team arrived at the score first.

The Quick Battle Game Mode is Intense but Fun to Play 

One of my favourite game modes is the quick battle mode which lasts half the time and is twice the fun. It’s a fun and fast-paced way to play with friends. Each game only lasts five minutes and has four players on each team (sometimes three). Plus, there are different maps to choose from, each with unique rules, sizes, and even temporary event maps with different species of wild Pokémon that could be challenging but very rewarding when you finally defeat them. While you can’t play with all the wild Pokemon in this mode, you should watch any wild Pokemon with a white aura, as these can be caught and played with.

The Battles Give Such Adrenaline Rush

If you’ve played Pokemon games in the past, you are no stranger to the thrill of battling wild Pokemon and defending your team’s tower. But there is nothing like that sweet moment when you spot an enemy player on the battlefield in Pokemon Unite. 

All you see at that moment is an opportunity to bring down one more enemy and get closer to destroying the opposing team’s tower. However, you can’t just destroy the enemy in one move. That’s where strategy and teamwork come to mind. You and your opponent may hesitate, sizing each other up and adjusting your positions for the impending battle. And then, in a sudden burst of energy, you charge forward in a quick strike. To win these kinds of battles, you must unleash your best attacks and strategies and be determined to emerge victorious. 

Pokemon is Fun Whether You Win or Lose

The adrenaline rush when playing Pokemon Unite is exhilarating, and the satisfaction of defeating your enemy is unlike anything else. The experience, for me, is more intense than any other MOBA games I’ve played. Even when my team is defeated, I always have a sense of pride in knowing that I and my team fought bravely. And, of course, the desire to win the next match heightens

In Pokemon Unite, every battle is an opportunity to test your skills and prove yourself as a trainer. And whether you win or lose, the rush of excitement and the sense of community that comes from engaging in these battles keeps players coming back for more.


MOBA games are fun, but Pokemon Unite doubles the stakes. You’re sure to have an unforgettable experience whether you’re new to Pokemon battles or if you’ve been playing for years. The battles are fun, the experiences are like nothing else, and you learn new skills after every round. The game also has such amazing graphics that pull you into every scene. If you’re looking for an engaging and addictive multiplayer game, you should look no further than Pokemon Unite. 

Overall rating

Overall rating
The good
  • Unique and engaging gameplay: 
  • Easy to learn and accessible to players of all skill levels.
  • Free-to-play features
  • Supports cross-platform play
The bad
  • Limited Pokemon selection
  • Repetitive gameplay