Bridge Constructor Portal is a unique blend of two popular gaming franchises – Bridge Constructor and Portal. The game was developed and published by ClockStone and Headup Games, respectively. Bridge Constructor Portal was released on Android, iOS, Linux, macOS, and Windows in December 2017 and for the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation...
Grounded is a survival video game that offers players a unique and immersive gaming experience. Developed by Obsidian Entertainment, a renowned game development studio known for creating some popular titles such as Fallout: New Vegas and The Outer Worlds, and published by Xbox Game Studios. The game was initially released...
Skylanders: SuperChargers is the newest addition to the popular Skylanders video game series. This exciting role-playing platformer was developed by Vicarious Visions and Beenox and published by Activision. The video game is available on iOS, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Wii U, Xbox 360, and Xbox One. It was first released...
Pentiment is a masterful detective thriller that immerses players in a world of moral complexity, heart-wrenching personal tragedy, and the search for purpose. The dialogue and character writing are exceptional, creating a cast of unforgettable characters who evolve alongside the town, partly based on the player’s decisions. This adventure game...
I love survival horror games, especially when they are set in space. Hence, I couldn’t wait for the release of The Callisto Protocol, which became a reality in 2022. There were high expectations for the game from the creators, gamers, and critics, as everyone expected The Castilio Protocol to be...
Overwatch 2 is a first-person shooter game by Blizzard Entertainment. The game was released in 2022. It is a sequel to the popular hero shooter game Overwatch, released in 2016. Overwatch 2 aims to provide a shared environment for player-versus-player (PvP) modes while introducing new persistent cooperative modes. One major...
Somerville is an ambitious debut game from the independent studio Jumpship. The game, developed by a team led by Dino Patti, a co-founder of Playdead, is an adventure game with a lot to offer players. Somerville was released on November 15, 2022, for Microsoft Windows, Xbox One, and Xbox Series...
Konami has once again proven itself at the top of the game and a worthy contender against EA Sports with the latest eFootball update: eFootball2023. The series was formerly called PES (Pro Evolution Soccer) and was created in 1995. The company took an episodic approach to add more content to...