Twelve Minutes, developed by Luís António and published by Annapurna Interactive, is a unique adventure game that thrusts players into a time loop, challenging them to uncover a complex narrative while solving intricate puzzles. Released initially on August 19, 2021, for Microsoft Windows, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S, and...
Whether you love arcade games or not, you will love Netflix’s Poinpy. The game was developed by Developer Digital and Ojiro Fumoto, the creator of Downwell Creator, and published by Netflix in June 2022. Poinpy is available for Android and iOS devices for Netflix subscribers. With a Netflix subscription, you...
Twelve Minutes may just be the most confining adventure game you have played in a bit. Developed by Luis Antonio and published by Annapurna Interactive, Twelve Minutes is a top-down perspective game set in a small apartment suite shared by your character and his wife. The whole drama could have...