Brawl Stars

Brawl Stars


Brawl Stars is a free-to-play game by Supercell, available on Android and iOS. It is an entertaining game that finds its place among various age groups – from teenagers to older adults. The concept is simple and as the name implies it’s all about brawls. Players have to attack other players (known as brawlers) with a ‘brawler.’ An attack usually depletes the opponent’s health and the same thing  happens to you when attacked.

Several options to enhance the game experience

The game has several brawlers you can choose from, each brawler is different from the other and the brawler you select determines the attack, health, and super that are available to you.  Your super is a powerful and often distinctive attack that a player pumps up by attacking their enemies. When a player deploys this super attack it resets and the player has to charge it up again. 

While there is a pre-selection of brawlers available to you as the game begins, there is more waiting in the in-game shop. You can unlock these brawlers in the shop by purchasing them. Another option is through trophy road, which contains all the rewards a player earns by defeating their opponents. The rewards include brawlers, brawl boxes, coins, and tokens. So if you want to have more brawlers at your disposal you’d have to start winning more matches. 

You can also unlock new brawlers via brawl boxes, which you earn when you play a match. Interestingly, these are not the only ways you can access new dynamic brawlers. Players can also earn brawl tokens during matches. When you’ve gathered enough tokens, you can put them into getting a new brawler. These multiple alternatives make it relatively easy to access exciting brawler characters that enhance the game’s overall replay value. 

In addition to super, each player has another type of unique abilities, known as star powers. Each player gets two of these, and they help enhance their game dynamics. Like brawlers, players can get new star powers from the in-game shop for a price. Alternatively, they can get them via brawl boxes of the maximum level. It’s, therefore, evident that the in-game shop plays a vital role in the ultimate experience of Brawl Stars. 

Exciting game modes

One area Brawl Stars doesn’t fail to shine is game modes. Players have to choose from Gem Grab, Bounty, Heist, Brawl Ball, Siege, and Showdown. These game modes also contribute to the replay value of the game. You always have something different to get into every time you launch the game. 

Gem Grab is an enthralling 3v3 mode where two teams (each comprising three players) battle to rake in 10 available gems. In Bounty game mode, teams lock horns for stars, which they earn by overcoming the opponent. The team with the highest number of stars wins the game. Heist, as the name already gives away, involves two teams fighting to gain control of an enemy’s treasure box. This mode easily passes for the most rewarding mode as there are plenty of rewards to earn by winning the game.

Brawl Ball is another fascinating game mode where teams battle to accomplish specific goals. In Siege, the two teams have a common goal of clamping down on the enemy. Because of how challenging this mode is, both teams have to work with Siege bots to accomplish the task. The last mode is Showdown, which is as exciting as the name sounds. Here, ten players are to fight with one another in a no-nonsense battle. The last man standing wins the game.

Brawl Stars has pulsating timed plays like Graveyard Shift, Hot Zone, and Present Plunder, continuing in the tradition of intriguing content. When you think you’ve finally gotten to the summit of this content-filled game, you discover there are also captivating ticketed games like Boss Fight and Robo Rumble. This flourishing gameplay is the reason Brawl Stars can become quickly addictive. The most exciting event of it all is the Brawl Stars Championship. This never-to-miss event happens once a month and brings together the best of the best brawl stars. You must have won 15 Gem Grabs without accumulating up to four losses. 

Beautiful piece of matchmaking

If there’s nothing to love about Brawl Stars, you have to love the skill-based matchmaking. This feature pitches you with players that have the same brawlers and amount of trophies. This ensures that no player has an advantage over the other player. So when you face off with another brawler in a brawl, you have an equal chance of beating each other. 

The game also excels in its release of new updates bi-weekly. These updates come with new modes, new brawlers, and even new character animations. Sometimes, a new update attempts to fix the bug in the previous version. Again, you have a brilliant feature that pulls you to the game. You know that there’s always going to be something new now and then. 


Supercell will agree that Brawl Stars is its best creation so far. The entire mobile gaming community will also agree that the game is one of the best to grace the scene. It boasts terrific gameplay, with a structure that screams uniqueness. The most important aspect of the game is the large volume of content. You have various game modes that all offer something unique and distinctive. Also, the game’s regular update is an immense boost to its replay value.

Brawl Stars has everything to draw new players and keep them enchanted. It doesn’t abandon those that have stayed with it for so long. The game is consistent with bringing up exciting content that leaves even ardent lovers of the game speechless. 


Author's rating

Overall rating

Overall rating
The good
  • The game is filled with so much entertaining content
  • The game’s user interface is clean and attractive
  • New players can easily understand the game
The bad
  • Occasional bugs
  • Players often have to spend real cash for upgrades