Fatal Frame, also known as Project Zero, is a Japanese survival horror video game series developed by Tecmo Koei, formerly known as Tecmo, and released exclusively for the PlayStation, PlayStation 2, Xbox, and Wii platforms. Fatal Frame was released in 2001.

The game is set in an abandoned Japanese mansion, and the player takes on the role of Miku, a young woman searching for her missing brother. Fatal Frame has since gone on to become one of the most beloved video game franchises for horror fans. From its gripping story and unique gameplay to its intense atmosphere and unforgiving difficulty, Fatal Frame is a masterclass in horror.

The Fatal Frame Series

The Fatal Frame series consists of five main games, two spin-offs, and a handful of remakes. The original game was released in Japan in 2001 and later released worldwide in 2002. Fatal Frame is the first installment in the Fatal Frame series. The series revolves around the mysterious supernatural power of an antique camera, the “Fatal Frame,” which has the ability to capture ghosts and other spiritual entities on film. Players assume the role of a young woman or man who must investigate various locations while fighting off ghosts in order to uncover the mysteries behind them. Each title in the series features different protagonists, stories, settings, and gameplay mechanics, but all center around a common theme: using a camera to capture and defeat ghosts.

The Perfect Survival Horror Storyline

Fatal Frame is an iconic survival horror game that has been terrifying gamers since its initial release in 2001. The game follows the story of Miku, who is searching for her missing brother, who had wandered into an old mansion. As she explores the haunted Himuro Mansion, she notices some resident evils that pose a threat to her survival. As she investigates, she discovers a mysterious camera called the “Camera Obscura,” which has the ability to fight off evil. She must use the Camera Obscura to fight off the deadly spirits that inhabit the mansion. She encounters an array of characters on the way and uncovers the dark secrets behind the mysterious Zero Project. Through the course of her adventure, Miku must face her fears and discover the truth behind the Zero Project.

With its tense atmosphere, unique setting, and terrifying enemies, Fatal Frame is an unforgettable experience that no survival horror fan should miss. the way, she encounters an array of characters and uncovers the dark secrets behind the mysterious Zero Project. Through the course of her adventure, Miku must face her fears and discover the truth behind the Zero Project.

Creative, Terrific, and Satisfying Gameplay

The game uses a unique combination of action and puzzles to create an intense, suspenseful experience. Armed with a camera that captures ghosts, the player must traverse the mansion, solving puzzles and fending off the supernatural forces within. Fatal Frame’s gameplay takes place in the third person perspective, with you controlling the protagonist through the various areas of the mansion. 

Combat is very different from other games in the genre, relying on the Camera Obscura – a special device you can use to take pictures of the ghosts that haunt the area. Taking pictures at specific times will weaken the ghost, allowing you to fight them back or run away. The combat is extremely satisfying and creative, making you really think about when and how to use the Camera Obscura to your advantage.

In addition to combat, Fatal Frame also offers plenty of puzzle-solving moments. Throughout the mansion are various obstacles, items, and documents you must decipher to progress further. Solving these puzzles often requires finding items hidden throughout the environment and using them correctly, adding to the sense of tension as you search for clues. Fatal Frame’s gameplay is both inventive and terrifying, offering an intense experience that only a true survival horror fan can appreciate.

Timeless Graphics and Visuals

The game’s graphics have not aged a day since its original release, boasting sharp visuals that are still impressive today. You’ll be captivated by the haunting atmosphere that Fatal Frame creates with its detailed graphics, from the eerie locations to the spectral enemies you will encounter. The color palette and lighting effects help create an unsettling atmosphere that really immerses you in the experience. The ambient sound effects further enhance the atmosphere, creating an atmosphere that will leave you feeling on edge throughout. All-in-all, the graphics of Fatal Frame are a great testament to how far video games have come in the last two decades, and they really help bring this classic survival horror game to life.

Unsettling Sound That Makes You Want to Scratch Off Your Skin

Fatal Frame has a wonderfully creepy and atmospheric soundtrack that heightens the tension while exploring the haunted locations of the game. The sound effects are also very effective in creating a sense of dread and tension, from the creaking of a floorboard to the sound of distant voices coming from a seemingly empty room. The music also plays an important role in helping to set the atmosphere of the game as it shifts from hauntingly beautiful to unsettling and eerie. Project Zero is a masterpiece in its sound design, creating an immersive and disturbing atmosphere for players to experience.

Nothing is Normal in Fatal Frame

One of the unique features of Fatal Frame is its use of a camera as a weapon. Players must use the camera to capture ghosts and spirits that haunt the mansion, and the game’s combat system revolves around this mechanic. The game’s atmosphere is eerie and unsettling, with a strong focus on psychological horror. The story is well-crafted, with a sense of mystery and intrigue that keeps players engaged throughout the game.


Fatal Frame is a must-play for fans of survival horror games. It’s a unique and atmospheric game with a well-crafted story and a unique combat system. The graphics in Fatal Frame are impressive for their time, and the game’s sound design is also noteworthy, with a haunting soundtrack and effective use of ambient noise to build tension. The game’s controls are smooth and responsive, and the camera mechanic adds an extra layer of depth to the gameplay. The game is a classic and one of the best survival horror games of all time.


Author's rating

Overall rating

Overall rating
The good
  • Unique game plot
  • Adequate puzzles
  • Variety of combat styles
  • Impressive sound, design, and visuals.
The bad
  • Lacks engaging combat.
  • Too scary for some