If you recently started getting bored with the old ‘beat ’em up’ action games, you could check out River City Saga: Three Kingdoms to help you get back on board. Developed by APLUS Co Ltd, this game takes you on an epic journey through ancient China, where you’ll fight through battles, take on challenging quests, and explore a vast open world. Arc System Works published the game and was initially released on July 20, 2022, and is available on multiple platforms, including Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Microsoft Windows. 

The Gameplay is Much Similar to Ransom 

If you’ve played River City Ransom before, you will find that Three Kingdoms is much similar to it, especially regarding the gameplay. River City Ransom’s gameplay mainly revolves around fighting against bandits and rival factions of warriors, much like its predecessor. However, this time, the setting is a war, and you are accompanied by one or two allies who fight alongside you. Three Kingdoms, to many, is a welcome addition to the series, as River City Ransom managed to earn lots of criticism. Unlike Final Fight, which was released in the same year as River City Ransom, the latter was always a more slippery and whimsical brawler that left players yearning for more action. In River City Saga: Three Kingdoms, however, the gameplay, as well as your movement and attacks feel a little faster. 

With its unique blend of fighting, role-playing, and adventure game elements, River City Saga: Three Kingdoms will captivate players of all ages. This game promises an unforgettable experience that will keep you returning for more.

There’s More than Just Battles in Three Kingdoms

River City Saga: Three Kingdoms is unique, in the sense that it diversifies its pace with more non-battle-based activities, unlike the earlier games. For instance, there is an environmental puzzle that is completely different from anything else in the game. Another addition is the platforming challenge that have you climbing a mountain. However, the game was not designed for precise platforming, which may cause you to fall back to the bottom frequently. Additionally, there were a few fetch quests for crafting resources that required me to punch trees or straw bales to progress the story. These quests were fun and gave players more reasons to stay longer in the game. 

Three Kingdoms is Known for its Variety of Options

River City Saga: Three Kingdoms allows you to explore over 100 different areas and complete quests to progress through the story. Apart from these areas, there are plenty of side quests while visiting towns or villages. While in these locations, you can also shop for items and techniques to help you on your journey. As the game begins, you’ll be forced to make some critical choices that will determine which of the three different story paths you’ll follow, so you’ll have to choose wisely. And when it comes to combat, you’ll use a system similar to River City: Rival Showdown. But there’s a new feature in the game called the Hot-Blooded Dance, where combat slows down but you can still move at normal speed, allowing for longer and stronger combos.

The Variety of Strategies Make the Gameplay More Engaging

Another of Three Kingdom’s features I thoroughly enjoyed was its unique tactics and strategies. River City Saga: Three Kingdoms features ten strategies you can easily use to attack your enemies. You can even use these strategies to solve puzzles in a few stages. The number of enemies you kill during combat largely depends on the difficulty level you’re working with. The game is divided into four difficulty levels, and you get to choose one at the start of the game. 

As you progress through the game and level up, you’ll receive points to increase your stats. And if you want to play with friends, you can team up locally or online in the game’s story mode, or compete in a score ranking mode with up to four players. The more enemies you kill, the higher your score and stat. And if you’re lucky, defeated enemies may drop equipment that can increase your character stats and have special effects. 

The Customization and Command Options Make the Game More Exciting 

APLUS sure made variety the stand-out feature of Three Kingdoms. The game is similar to RCR, where players can visit shops to learn various moves and assign them to their punch and kick attacks. However, River City Saga: Three Kingdoms also allows you to customize your aerial punches and kicks, special effects for weapon throws, body throws, and attacks. Additionally, you can set special commands for weapon types such as swords and spears, and even discover unconventional options, like a wooden cart that can be rolled around.

To make things more interesting, the game features Tactics and large, battlefield-filling effects that mimic your commanding armies. Not too long into the game, I discovered I could unleash fiery arrows or flood the enemies with water. Unfortunately, these tactics are limited by a refillable meter, functioning as an ultimate move. It’s not all sad news though, as there is the Ultimate Move you can set when you find yourself in tough spots. This move grants you special abilities like slowing time. With the ultimate move, you can relax and think carefully before unleashing your killer moves.


Overall, River City Saga: Three Kingdoms is an exciting and engaging game that takes you on an unforgettable adventure. With its stunning graphics, immersive gameplay, and a rich storyline, this game is a must-play for fans of strategy and role-playing games. From the intense battles and political intrigue to the unique characters and customizable gameplay, River City Saga: Three Kingdoms offers a truly unforgettable gaming experience. Whether you’re a seasoned gamer or new to the world of mobile gaming, this game is sure to keep you hooked for hours on end.

Overall rating

Overall rating
The good
  • Vast open world with various landscapes and locations to explore.
  • Multiple characters with unique abilities and playstyles.
  • Engaging combat system with a variety of moves and combos.
  • Impressive and immersive graphics.
  • Variety of side quests and activities.
The bad
  • Overwhelming and confusing for new players.
  • Repetitive and gritty mid to late game.
  • Inconsistent difficulty.