AEW Fight Forever marks the highly anticipated debut of All Elite Wrestling (AEW) on home consoles and personal computers. Developed by Yuke’s and published by THQ Nordic, this professional wrestling video game promises to bring the high-flying, hard-hitting action of AEW to gaming screens. In this comprehensive review, we’ll explore...
Diablo IV, the long-awaited fourth installment in the iconic action role-playing game (ARPG) series developed and published by Blizzard Entertainment, has arrived. In this extensive review, we’ll dissect the game’s various aspects, exploring its dark and addictive world, gameplay improvements, visual and auditory splendor, character customization, and its place within...
Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is a thrilling historical fantasy action role-playing video game developed by Team Ninja and published by Koei Tecmo. This game takes you on an epic adventure with action-packed and stunning visuals. The game was recently released on multiple platforms including PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Windows, Xbox...
If you have been following the Pokemon company, you must have played many amazing Pokemon games from them. Their recent release, Pokemon UNITE, didn’t disappoint as it met the expectations of critics and gamers. This amazing free-to-play game surprised the gaming world with its highly interactive gameplay. Pokemon UNITE is...
Atari 50 is a comprehensive tribute to the legacy of Atari, featuring an interactive documentary and video game compilation. The project includes archival footage, emulated classics from the company’s catalog, and six newly developed games. Developed by Digital Eclipse, the project was released in 2022 to coincide with Atari’s 50th...