Humanity, developed by Enhance Games, is an innovative and immersive puzzle game that explores the human condition through a mesmerizing visual and auditory journey. Blending art, music, and gameplay, Humanity offers a unique interactive experience that challenges players to think and reflect. In this comprehensive review, we will delve into various aspects of Humanity, including gameplay mechanics, visuals, sound design, narrative, and overall impact.

Gameplay Mechanics: A Simulated Swarm of Humanity

Humanity’s gameplay mechanics are truly distinctive. Players control a massive crowd of tiny silhouettes, navigating them through surreal environments and intricate formations. The goal is to guide the swarm through obstacles, find paths, and solve puzzles by manipulating the movements of the crowd.

The controls are intuitive and simple, utilizing touch gestures to guide the swarm’s flow. The game’s physics-based interactions add a layer of realism, making the swarm’s movements feel organic and dynamic. The challenging puzzles and intricate formations require strategic thinking and precision, ensuring an engaging and rewarding gameplay experience.

A Breathtaking and Abstract Artistic Journey

Humanity’s visuals are a true feast for the eyes. The game features stunning, abstract visuals that merge minimalism with vibrant colors and striking contrasts. The fluid movements of the crowd, combined with the ever-changing landscapes and atmospheric effects, create a visually captivating experience.

The attention to detail in the level design and environmental aesthetics is remarkable. Each stage presents a distinct visual style, from serene landscapes to bustling cityscapes, all contributing to the overall artistic journey. Humanity’s visuals transcend conventional game design, evoking emotions and capturing the essence of the human experience through its abstract representations.

Humanity’s abstract art style and mesmerizing visuals create a captivating atmosphere that immerses players in a surreal world. The combination of vibrant colors, smooth animations, and dynamic environments creates a visually stunning experience. The game’s artistic expression transcends conventional boundaries and adds depth to the overall narrative and themes.

A Harmonious Symphony of Audio 

The sound design in Humanity is an integral part of the overall experience. The game’s audio elements combine to create a harmonious symphony that complements the visuals and gameplay. The atmospheric soundscapes, immersive sound effects, and dynamic music enhance the player’s engagement and emotional connection to the game.

The music, composed by renowned musician Noboru Mutoh, is an exceptional blend of melodies and rhythms that evokes a range of emotions. From soothing ambient tracks to intense orchestral pieces, the music heightens the impact of the gameplay and elevates the overall experience of Humanity.

Narrative and Themes Exploring the Human Condition 

Humanity delves into thought-provoking themes and narratives that explore the essence of being human. The game touches on concepts such as identity, connection, and the struggles faced by individuals and society as a whole. Through its abstract storytelling, Humanity invites players to reflect on their own experiences and contemplate the human condition.

The absence of explicit dialogue or text allows players to interpret the narrative in their own unique way, fostering a sense of personal connection to the game’s themes. Humanity’s open-ended storytelling sparks introspection and invites players to ponder the complexities of human existence.

Impact and Emotional Resonance: A Transformative Experience 

Humanity leaves a profound impact on players through its innovative approach to gameplay and its exploration of deep human themes. The game’s unique blend of visuals, sound, and gameplay creates an emotional resonance that lingers long after the experience ends. The immersive journey and thought-provoking nature of Humanity have the potential to evoke a range of emotions and elicit introspection and empathy from players.

The game’s transformative effect lies in its ability to transcend traditional game boundaries and connect players on a deeper level. Humanity is not just a game; it is an interactive art form that invites players to contemplate their place in the world and appreciate the beauty and complexity of the human experience.

Gameplay Variety and Depth: Humanity offers a range of gameplay experiences that keep players engaged and curious. From navigating intricate formations to solving puzzles and overcoming obstacles, the game constantly introduces new challenges and mechanics. The evolving complexity ensures that the gameplay remains fresh and engaging throughout.

Solid Level Design and Progression

The game’s level design is carefully crafted, with each stage presenting a new and visually striking environment. The progression of difficulty is well-paced, gradually introducing new obstacles and formations that require greater skill and strategic thinking. The gradual increase in challenge keeps players motivated and eager to conquer each stage.


Humanity is an extraordinary and transformative puzzle game that pushes the boundaries of interactive experiences. With its unique gameplay mechanics, breathtaking visuals, harmonious sound design, thought-provoking narratives, and emotional resonance, Humanity stands as a testament to the power of artistic expression in gaming. 

The game’s ability to provoke introspection and evoke empathy makes it a truly exceptional and memorable experience. Humanity challenges players to look beyond the surface and contemplate the complexities of the human condition, leaving a lasting impact that extends far beyond the realm of traditional gaming. 

It is a testament to the potential of games as a medium for artistic and philosophical exploration. Humanity invites players to embark on a remarkable journey of self-discovery and reflection, cementing its place as an innovative and thought-provoking masterpiece in the world of interactive entertainment.

Overall rating

Overall rating
The good
  • Unique and innovative gameplay mechanics
  • Breathtaking and visually captivating art style
  • Harmonious and immersive sound design
  • Thought-provoking narratives and themes
The bad
  • Lack of gameplay variation beyond core mechanics
  • Limited replay value once puzzles are solved
  • Potential difficulty spikes in later stages
  • Relatively short gameplay duration compared to other puzzle games