Tron: Identity, a visual novel developed by Bithell Games, immerses players in the neon-infused, cybernetic world of the Tron franchise. In this comprehensive review, we will explore the game across eight distinct aspects to determine whether it successfully captures the essence of the Tron universe and offers a compelling narrative...
Humanity, developed by Enhance Games, is an innovative and immersive puzzle game that explores the human condition through a mesmerizing visual and auditory journey. Blending art, music, and gameplay, Humanity offers a unique interactive experience that challenges players to think and reflect. In this comprehensive review, we will delve into...
After a long day at the office, I’m always looking for something to cool my head, and my favorite take is always Goat Simulator, my special video game. Who would have thought that a game simply featuring a goat and its unholy thoughts could be this exciting? Goat Simulator is...
Somerville is an ambitious debut game from the independent studio Jumpship. The game, developed by a team led by Dino Patti, a co-founder of Playdead, is an adventure game with a lot to offer players. Somerville was released on November 15, 2022, for Microsoft Windows, Xbox One, and Xbox Series...
Second Dinner and Nuverse have teamed up to bring fans a new digital collectible card game, Marvel Snap. The game, available on Microsoft Windows, Android, and iOS features a wide array of characters from the Marvel Universe. After beta testing, the game was officially launched on October 18, 2022. players...
Harry Potter Wizards Unite might be the most hyped game in recent memory, and it’s easy to see why. The game features beloved characters and elements from the Harry Potter universe, but you don’t have to be an expert on the world of wizards to enjoy this game. It is...
Comics and games go hand in hand to help create an unforgettable time. I have always had an abundance of great games across my devices, but good comics were a different story. Then came Marvel Unlimited, and I knew I’d found my comic app soulmate. Marvel Unlimited has become one...
The world of LEGO is one of the most iconic, popular, and beloved brands. I remember when my brother and I would play with some of our favorite LEGOs as kids; it was magical. Now that we’re adults, we still love playing with LEGOs! And now there’s a new game...