Not too many game trailers gets you pumped up for action as Biomutants‘ trailer does. Developers “Experiment 101” left no stone unturned in combining mechanics from titles like Fortnite, Horizon: New Dawn, and Monster Hunter into one impressive game. The overall package after this tricky experiment is a title that feels confusing yet fun. Many enthusiasts expected a game that would overshadow several similar titles in the open-world action genre like Assassin’s creed. However, it seems waiting four years after the developers started work didn’t make much difference. 

Since its release on May 25, 2021, the game has received substantial criticism, particularly for its annoying ending and system mismatch. However, its incredibly odd nature still leaves much to desire for players with PS4, Xbox One, and Windows. Notably, the game’s universe and characters are wonderfully merged to create an engaging and compelling story. 

Gameplay, Plot, And Weapons

Biomutant is an open-world, single-player action game where the player controls a mammalian hero fighting in a world filled with animal hybrids that are part cat, part rabbit. These mutated animals are also fully capable of wielding dangerous weapons. From the beginning, the game allows you to customize your mammalian warrior with options to adjust his shape, height, and body thickness. These parameters can have an incredible no pact on the game’s outcome. If you build your hero with a considerably thick frame, he will be able to take more hits, which is an advantage I always utilize. The downside to this is that he will be slow during an attack. 

The game also has an array of weapons for your fighting needs. As you play, you can gather scraps and items which you can use to create different weapons. You should be selective with the parts you gather as they have an overall effect on your weapon’s stats. One of the cool weapons features in this title is the cryogenic option, which you can use to freeze your enemy. 

During melee attack and combat, you can also combine different weapon powers to deal with your opponents. Don’t expect to find dealing with enemies easy as they can dodge attacks from many directions. As an advantage, you can increase your hero’s strength by leveling up and learning new skills from nearby characters. 

The versatility in this title is top-notch. I discovered that I could change my hero’s abilities and looks to match specific enemies at some point in the game. There’s also an option to attach prosthetics and claws to the hero as an advantage in some places. When you progress in the game, you will need to get some things like cars or specific gear to complete some objectives. For instance, the death zone has limited breathable air, and as such, you must get an oxygen mask if you wish to explore deeper into that part of the game’s universe. 

A Charmingly Convincing Environment

Undoubtedly, the environment is nothing short of impressive as you can wander about on foot if you wish to get a good grasp of the minute attention to details by the developers. You can also fly around in air balloons to reach rough terrains faster. As a rule, you must take note of the weather and diurnal change as these conditions affect enemy and hero abilities. Furthermore, as you proceed on missions and side quests provided by specific characters in some areas, you will realize that the arena’s arc becomes wider, influencing your playing time. When you get to the tough parts, you can try to gather allies as you play and interact with other characters. 

The game’s story changes depending on your actions and decisions. In simpler terms, the choice of whether you continue a particular quest line or story as dialogues depend on your previous interactions. According to the game’s plot, your aim is to align with a group of tribes willing to heal or destroy the tree of life. This tree, according to the storyline, is the source of the world’s life and existence. All you have to do is support either group or even decide the tree’s fate without their involvement. 

I Had An Excellent Experience 

The good bits of the game start with the enticing visuals and colorful universe. This excellent graphical representation made several enthusiasts expect a flawless and compatible storyline. I also like the fact that you can upgrade your characters by pumping up their abilities and physical attributes to gain an advantage on the battlefield. The ability to adapt to various weather, diurnal, and environmental variations within the game through special elements and weapons is nothing short of impressive. 

The developers also threw in some freedom when it comes to designing weapons, as you can create any prototype based on available parts. However, the success and potency of the weapon rest majorly on its compatibility with the threat at hand. Generally, there’s a lot to discover in the game’s universe, especially when you’ve unlocked special items and abilities. 

The Glitches And Setbacks I Couldn’t Overlook

The story starts feeling repetitive very early into the game despite the potential to be a top-drawer action title. This setback is particularly evident from the dearth of missions, cumbersome narrations, and broken progression. The side missions and dialogue keep giving you a sense of deja vu which is nothing short of frustrating. There’s also a slow pace to the narrations as you have to wait for a translation before you move. 

In a bid to skip the gibberish, I often find myself missing the message altogether. The character choice is also off-putting, as I had to spend hours before I could finally settle on a favorite. The weird exclamations during combats and the clumsy pattern also made the game lose some glamour. 


This title’s universe and mutated characters, though silly to some, are undoubtedly wonderful. The elements seem to be confusing as the repetitive narrative tends to overshadow some of the brilliant bits of the game. Overall, it’s not the best open-world title to recommend. However, the anticipatory aura it promises still makes it a worthy buy.


Author's rating

Overall rating

Overall rating
The good
  • Gorgeous world to explore
  • The crafting system lets you make some truly bizarre weapons
  • Fast-paced combat
The bad
  • Overbearing narrator is very annoying
  • Game mechanics isn't well explained
  • Can get boring quickly