As Dusk Falls is a unique game that tells an emotional and gripping story. The game’s mechanics are simple but effective, and the game world is beautiful and detailed. One of my favorite things about the game is that it has something for everyone. The game was developed by Interior Night and published by Xbox Game Studios on July 19, 2022. The game is available on Windows, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X and S platforms.

When Xbox first announced As Dusk Falls, I was immediately intrigued by its premise and amazed by its beautiful art style. When it was finally released, I realized there was much more to it than just its visuals – it turned out to be an incredibly gripping story and an emotional rollercoaster that captured my attention with every scene.

An Unforgettable Experience

As Dusk Falls is set in the small town of Two Rock, Arizona. The game follows two families, the Walkers and the Holts, whose lives become intertwined as they experience adventure, love, loss, betrayal, and redemption. The other characters in the game include Joyce, Paul, and Dante. Each character has a unique personality and story.

The player controls various characters throughout the game, making choices that affect the course of the story as well as the lives of the characters. The story in As Dusk Falls is excellent, with so many twists and turns that would make you want to play the game multiple times to explore different outcomes. For instance, the most obvious choice for a particular situation could easily produce the worst possible outcome.

After replaying the game over six times, I realized that As Dusk Falls is one of the most immersive games I’ve played this year regarding the storyline. The game does an excellent job of making the player feel like a part of the story.

The Gameplay Is Unique and Engaging

While the major strengths of As Dusk Falls lie in the intriguing storyline and plot, its gameplay is also amazing and contributes greatly to the game’s awesomeness. The player must make choices that affect the story’s course, leading to multiple, varied endings. The gameplay is also affected by time, as certain events can only happen at specific times of day or night. These little things add depth to the gameplay that is not often seen in games.

Common Reasoning Replaces Combat and Strategy

The first thing to note about As Dusk Falls is that there are no puzzles or boss levels since it is a purely interactive game. Rather, you get to solve different day-to-day occurrences and make tough choices. However, this is part of what makes the game so gripping for me.

You are constantly caught between alternatives in a world without permanent good or bad guys. You are never quite sure what will happen next. The difficulty also creates great satisfaction when you finally overcome a hurdle.

When I completed As Dusk Falls for the first time, I felt I had accomplished something significant. Of course, I felt the same when I completed the game the seventh time.

Visuals Aren’t Only Appealing But Also Thought Provoking

As Dusk Falls is visually stunning, with a beautiful hand-drawn art style that gets you drawn to the game. The design creates a unique and aesthetically pleasing world for the player to explore. The game’s visuals are also one of its strongest points, and they help to create an immersive experience that is second to none.

The game features unique hand-drawn graphics that set the tone for the game’s dark and mysterious story. Although the game’s art style is not for everyone, I found it to be one of the most visually striking I have ever seen.

An Excellent Example of Interactive Fiction

The game is heavily focused on player choice, and the story branches based on the player’s choices. Conversations are the primary mechanic used to advance the story. The game features multiple endings, and each end is determined by the player’s choices throughout the game. This feature creates a highly replayable and addictive experience, as players can try different choices to see how it affects the story’s ending.

Different variations are often based on a player’s choice, even within individual endings. For instance, in one end, you may choose to confront one of the antagonists directly. On another end, you may take a more subtle approach, and on yet another end, you may choose not to confront them.

This style gives players much control over how they experience the story and allows them to create their unique version of events As Dusk Falls has a branching narrative that allows for a more personal experience, you can feel like you are impacting the story directly with your choices.


I never thought that a text-based game could be so enjoyable, but As Dusk Falls proved me wrong on this point. Though I originally hesitated due to the game’s unfamiliar genre, I’m now glad I gave it a chance because the unique style and compelling story blew me away! As Dusk Falls provides an unforgettable gaming experience that everyone should play.

The game is incredibly immersive and well-written, with unique and engaging gameplay. The visuals are stunning, and the game is perfect for new and seasoned gamers. If you’re looking for something different from your usual gaming experience, this one is worth checking out!

Overall, I found As Dusk Falls a gripping game worth your time. I recommend it to anyone who likes stories about love, loss, and betrayal. One of those games makes us think about how we live our lives and the impact we have on those around us.


Author's rating

Overall rating

Overall rating
The good
  • Intense storyline
  • Stunning visuals
  • High replay value
The bad
  • Very little action and adventure.