Amnesia: The Bunker, the fourth installment in the renowned Amnesia series, is a survival horror game developed and published by Frictional Games. In this in-depth review, we’ll dissect the game’s various components, examining its spine-chilling strengths, intense atmosphere, and its ability to terrify players in the confines of a claustrophobic...
Redfall generated considerable anticipation and excitement among gamers upon its announcement, thanks to its unique blend of co-op action and vampire-slaying thrills. Developed by the renowned Arkane Studios, known for their Dishonored series, Redfall had the potential to deliver an outstanding open-world experience set in a quirky, vampire-infested town. However,...
Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is a thrilling historical fantasy action role-playing video game developed by Team Ninja and published by Koei Tecmo. This game takes you on an epic adventure with action-packed and stunning visuals. The game was recently released on multiple platforms including PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Windows, Xbox...
Action games are simply the best! They are so real, that they sometimes make you feel like you’re right in the field of action. One of my favorites is Gungrave G.O.R.E. The action is on another level. The game is a sequel of Gungrave VR and Gungrave VR U.N, and...
Pentiment is a masterful detective thriller that immerses players in a world of moral complexity, heart-wrenching personal tragedy, and the search for purpose. The dialogue and character writing are exceptional, creating a cast of unforgettable characters who evolve alongside the town, partly based on the player’s decisions. This adventure game...
As a huge fan of A Plague Tale: Innocence, I am especially excited about this new release. Plague Tale: Requiem is a game that’s unlike anything you’ve played before. It’s an adventure set in 14th century France during the Hundred Years War, with a dark story and mature theme. The...
It has been over 30 years since Ron Gilbert left the gaming world after two unforgettable games in the Monkey Island series. The series continued but under a new creator. Gilbert suddenly graced us with a surprise comeback in 2022 with the release of Return to Monkey Island. Indeed, the...
What do you get when you combine heavy metal with a first-person shooter element? An explosive action! If you’re looking for an intense and addictive rhythm game experience, then you won’t want to miss Metal Hellsinger. Developed by Swedish studio The Outsiders, Metal Hellsinger is an action-packed rhythm game featuring...
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