Serious Sam is a video game franchise known for intense action sequences and chaotic gameplay. The franchise’s first installment was released in 2001, followed by several sequels. With three major titles and over ten spin-offs, some people may think that Serious Sam fans must have gotten fed up with the game series. However, Croteam released Serious Sam 4: Planet Badass in 2020 and proved to the world that they still had so many tricks up their sleeves. Serious Sam 4 is a long-running series of fast-paced, old-school first-person shooter games that every action lover should try.

Building on the Serious Sam Legacy

Serious Sam 4 returns to the classic First Person Shooter (FPS) genre. It features plenty of old-school style FPS gameplay in an ocean of looter shooters. If you’re a fan of the series, then you’re going to feel right at home with Serious Sam 4. Even if you’ve never played a Serious Sam game, you could still enjoy the game. Just don’t go into it expecting the same narrative level as other shooter-adventure games because there is more to this game.

Players get to fight various enemies, including the funny-looking zombies, the kamikaze bombers, mummies, alien soldiers, lizards, and scorpion warriors, among a host of other brutal beasts trying to destroy the lands. If you want to fight various enemies in a single game, Serious Sam 4 may be the perfect game for you.

Engaging Gameplay and Impressive Weapons

The gameplay consists of shooting enemies and collecting items to progress the game. Although the missions and gameplay aren’t much different from the other games in the Serious Sam series, there are some significant differences. For instance, there is no penalty for quitting a mission early, unlike in previous games in the series.

It is sometimes difficult to switch firearms using the weapon wheel. However, if you keep practicing, you’ll get used to the process eventually. Swapping between weapons is complicated since you have to pause between running to switch guns – especially guns in the same tier.

You will have skill points that allow for dual-wielding weapons, improved melee options, and reduced splash damage when playing the game. However, most of these skills are available in Sam’s set from the beginning of the game.

The Story behind the Action

Super Sam is not just a fast-paced shooter game where the player keeps killing loads of enemies on different levels. The game has a storyline and purpose, which you can understand by watching the various cut scenes featured in the game. You can see Sam and his friends trying to fight some invading alien forces.

They need the ‘Holy Grail’ to conquer the overlord and save the earth from the evil forces. My favorite parts of the cutscene are the funny jokes and puns that the non-player characters (NPCs) make from time to time. I always enjoy the puns as they come because the soldiers could easily switch to some serious conversation without notice.  

Multiple Game Modes to Choose From

Serious Sam 4 has both multiplayer and single-player game modes. The single-player has a horde mode which involves meeting different targets and killing enemies. You must be careful when playing the single-player mode because it doesn’t have checkpoints to save your game. Players play the multiplayer mode online, with other players anywhere in the world. The online multiplayer mode features leaderboards and matchmaking functions that make the game more interesting than ever.

The online multiplayer (co-op mode) is my favorite game mode because it has more variety and action than the single-player mode. If you want to play the co-op mode, all you need to do is invite some friends, select your favorite characters, and start playing. You can select co-op characters from the generous assortment of 33 options. If you want to join a multiplayer game, visit the Options menu, select Game Options, and scroll down to multiplayer mode. Next, invite your friends or have them choose to join your game through the console’s Friends UI.

 So Many Enemies at a Time

The core gameplay is centered on blasting through the hordes of enemies. If too many enemies are present, the game will slow down during narrative fights. Hence, it’s not uncommon to see enemy models overlap one another. The point of Serious Sam is to provide a hardcore, action-packed gaming experience, and they don’t disappoint in that aspect. You can pick up health bars and armors after killing enemies on the battlefield. The amount of arms you earn depends on the level and the kind of mission.

Latest Features to Watch Out for

I initially got discouraged from playing the game due to its poor –some may say outdated – graphics. I began to enjoy the game a few minutes into the gameplay. I loved the game design and the simple nature of the gameplay. For instance, all you need to do in the single-player mode is to run around a labyrinth-like area and use the terrain to your advantage.

Serious Sam 4 features a new “World Map” mode, which allows the player to explore different parts of the world. The game also includes a “Multiplayer” mode that lets players compete against each other in real-time. There are, however, many rude and violent scenes, making the game unsuitable for younger gamers.


Serious Sam 4 is worth it if you’re looking for an action-packed gaming experience that will keep you entertained for hours on end. It’s tough but also very fun to play. The game teaches players to be vigilant since they never know where the next assault may come from, above you or from the ground. Once you know where to target and what weapon choice to use, you will enjoy all the action Super Sam 4 has to offer.


Author's rating

Overall rating

Overall rating
The good
  • Engaging combat system
  • Exciting weapons
  • Challenging enemies
  • Random humorous scenes and comments
  • Variety of crazy enemies to fight.
The bad
  • Prolonged road times.
  • Repetitive scenes.