Sequel to 2012’s Borderlands 2, Borderland 3 came as the fourth entry in the main Borderlands series. The video game was first released in September 2019, and much to its fans’ delight, it came back bigger and better. While some Borderlands livers were expecting to see some evolution or fundamental...
Brawl Stars
Brawl Stars is a free-to-play game by Supercell, available on Android and iOS. It is an entertaining game that finds its place among various age groups – from teenagers to older adults. The concept is simple and as the name implies it’s all about brawls. Players have to attack other...
Rise of the Tomb Raider
Rise of the Tomb Raider is a videogame that Crystal Dynamics created in 2015. The game was then produced by an associate of Square Enix in Europe. The game was made shortly after an earlier game in the tomb raider series created in 2013. The game was initially released for...
Garena Free Fire
Garena Free Fire is known by more than one name but remains the most popular mobile game in the world. You could call it Free Fire or Free Fire Battlegrounds, this battle royale game has 80 million people playing it every day. That’s not an easy feat to achieve but...
Metro Exodus
A fully packed wonder developed by 4A Games, Metro Exodus is an epic first-person shooter game set in a post-apocalyptic world. Released on the 14th of February, 2019, by Deep Silver, Metro Exodus has steadily given its players thrilling doses of adventure and survival in its gory game world. This...
It is no news that Riot games’ Valorant takes strongly after Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and Overwatch. While playing the game, it felt like I was playing Counterstrike with characters straight from Overwatch, except that instead of being called heroes, the character here is called agents. In my opinion, Valorant finds...
Halo 5: Guardians, on Xbox One, might be the latest kid in the block, but it easily takes its place as the best in the series. The game features lots of powerful weapons, extensive maps, and enthralling multiplayer fights. The downside, however, is that the story lacks substance without the...
Fortnite is a battle royale game on Android, iOS, Mac, PC, PS4, and Xbox. With a record of 3.4 million gamers, Fortnite is Epic Games’ most successful release to date. It’s an excellent choice for both newcomers and veteran gamers with simple game modes and colorful graphics. Fortnite blew up...
In 2002, EA DICE released the maiden edition of the Battlefield series. Ever since, the game has continued to serve the gaming community with high-quality first-person shooter MMORPGs. Although not the latest, Battlefield 1, in my opinion, has to be the most iconic addition to the collection. Released in 2016,...