Layers of Fear, a psychological horror adventure game developed by Bloober Team and published by Aspyr, invites players on a harrowing journey into the tortured mind of a disturbed artist. In this comprehensive review, we’ll explore the game’s various elements, dissecting its spine-tingling strengths, chilling atmosphere, and its ability to...
Tron: Identity, a visual novel developed by Bithell Games, immerses players in the neon-infused, cybernetic world of the Tron franchise. In this comprehensive review, we will explore the game across eight distinct aspects to determine whether it successfully captures the essence of the Tron universe and offers a compelling narrative...
Ever wondered what it would feel like to watch the horrors of the world in the eyes of a 2-year-old? Among The Sleep takes ‘terrifying’ to another level as you get to work with a baby and a teddy bear to tackle horrific nightmares. Among the Sleep is a survival...
Have you ever wondered what an insectoid warrior could do in an underground world filled with all the bad things you could think about? Hollow Knight is an adventurous game that combines platforming with melee combat to produce an exhilarating experience for gamers. Hollow Knight is a 2D action-adventure game...
Slay The Spire team brought together roguelikes and deck-builders in a fascinating way. Slay the Spire is a unique and highly addictive deck-building game that has taken the gaming community by storm since its release in 2019. Developed by Mega Crit Games and published by Humble Bundle, Slay the Spire...
The idea of climbing a mountain all through a game may seem basic until you come in contact with Celeste. This amazing single-player game has found a way to combine adventures, obstacles, and motivation to help communicate and explain life’s struggles. Celeste is a 2D platformer game published and developed...