Layers of Fear, a psychological horror adventure game developed by Bloober Team and published by Aspyr, invites players on a harrowing journey into the tortured mind of a disturbed artist. In this comprehensive review, we’ll explore the game’s various elements, dissecting its spine-tingling strengths, chilling atmosphere, and its ability to...
The Room, a puzzle video game developed by Fireproof Games, made its debut on the iOS platform in September 2012. This atmospheric and intricately designed game has garnered acclaim for its unique take on puzzle-solving and immersive storytelling. In this review, we’ll delve into various aspects of the game, exploring...
Tron: Identity, a visual novel developed by Bithell Games, immerses players in the neon-infused, cybernetic world of the Tron franchise. In this comprehensive review, we will explore the game across eight distinct aspects to determine whether it successfully captures the essence of the Tron universe and offers a compelling narrative...
Humanity, developed by Enhance Games, is an innovative and immersive puzzle game that explores the human condition through a mesmerizing visual and auditory journey. Blending art, music, and gameplay, Humanity offers a unique interactive experience that challenges players to think and reflect. In this comprehensive review, we will delve into...
Bear and Breakfast is a management sim video game that follows the story of Hank, a bear who opens a bed and breakfast. The game was developed by the Romanian studio Gummy Cat and published by Armor Games. Bear and Breakfast was released on July 28, 2022, for Microsoft Windows...