Fatal Frame, also known as Project Zero, is a Japanese survival horror video game series developed by Tecmo Koei, formerly known as Tecmo, and released exclusively for the PlayStation, PlayStation 2, Xbox, and Wii platforms. Fatal Frame was released in 2001. The game is set in an abandoned Japanese mansion,...
Pokken Tournament is a fighting game developed by Bandai Namco Studios and published by The Pokemon Company and Nintendo (for Console) and Bandai Namco Entertainment (for Arcade). Pokken Tournament is an exciting new fighting game featuring Pokemon characters. This Pokken Tournament game offers a unique experience in which players can...
Pentiment is a masterful detective thriller that immerses players in a world of moral complexity, heart-wrenching personal tragedy, and the search for purpose. The dialogue and character writing are exceptional, creating a cast of unforgettable characters who evolve alongside the town, partly based on the player’s decisions. This adventure game...
Overwatch 2 is a first-person shooter game by Blizzard Entertainment. The game was released in 2022. It is a sequel to the popular hero shooter game Overwatch, released in 2016. Overwatch 2 aims to provide a shared environment for player-versus-player (PvP) modes while introducing new persistent cooperative modes. One major...
Somerville is an ambitious debut game from the independent studio Jumpship. The game, developed by a team led by Dino Patti, a co-founder of Playdead, is an adventure game with a lot to offer players. Somerville was released on November 15, 2022, for Microsoft Windows, Xbox One, and Xbox Series...
Second Dinner and Nuverse have teamed up to bring fans a new digital collectible card game, Marvel Snap. The game, available on Microsoft Windows, Android, and iOS features a wide array of characters from the Marvel Universe. After beta testing, the game was officially launched on October 18, 2022. players...
I am excited to discuss this game, but I am unsure why. It must be because of the new thrilling adventure New Tales From The Borderlands brings this year, its fresh adventure, and exciting new characters. My hands are itching to take you through this game, through the ups and...